Hey Nerds,

Some of you may know that we picked up a year ago and moved to Colorado from Texas. We didn’t leave because of politics or bodily autonomy, it was to support our niece during her senior year of high school. Her sister passed away the previous year and we knew a school year full of milestones would prove hard.

Well, dear nerds, this past weekend she graduated! She was radiant in her bright blue cap and gown. Sitting out on a stage on the football field, as we watched from the bleachers. Her blended family there to support her: parents, step-parents, step-siblings, grandparents, step-grandparents, uncles, and one aunt. Seeing her reach the end of her secondary education and plan for higher education fills me with pride. More than anything, I hope she saw how much she is loved.

This weekend had me reflecting on my own high school graduation. I don’t remember what our valedictorian or salutatorian said. I do remember the juxtaposition of the enormity of the moment versus the way we passed the time. 537 of us filled the floor of the Don Haskins Center in El Paso, Texas while my friend played hangman on a handheld game console. Once, I helped her get the word “OCELOT” before she hanged. Although I graduated sixth in my class, I was the third person to receive their diploma. Then I spent a good amount of time waiting before I could turn my tassel over to other side and call it a day.

I wish I had some profound memory of graduating from high school…or college…or even graduate school. It was simply a means to an end that created a good worker bee ready to buzz around being busy, getting work done for my employers. Some days I like to think I’d do it all differently if I could, but I know I probably wouldn’t.

My sincerest hope for my niece is that in 20+ years she isn’t looking back at her high school graduation wondering what happened to the young woman who was ready to take on the world. That she lives with passion, explores, finds something she loves that pays a decent salary, and doesn’t settle. And if she ever has a boss that tries to pull some boys club bullshit or has a co-worker ask her teammate “what’s her measurements” while messaging on Teams, that she has the balls I didn’t to go to HR.

Head Nerd
