Nerd Meets Roe

Hey Nerds, I won’t take much of your time. Chances are, given recent current events, you’re feeling much like I am. Saddened by the loss…

Nerd Meets Angel Tree

Hey Nerds, It’s that time of year where we get especially generous here in our nerdy home. Let me get real here: I am a…

Nerd Meets Mouse Poop

Hey Nerds, Is it 2121 yet? We’re closing in on 2021, but honestly it can’t get here quickly enough. The start of the pandemic was…

Nerd Meets Hiatus

Hey Nerds, Putting a quick post up to say we know we haven’t been around lately. We had a bit of a mouse situation in…

Nerd Meets National Voter Registration Day

Hey Nerds, Happy National Voter Registration Day! If you’re not registered to vote, what’s the hold up? Registering is quick and easy. Go here:…

Nerd Meets the Notorious RBG

Hey Nerds, I was planning on posting something yesterday, but honestly I wasn’t up to it. 2020 has, figuratively, punched us in the nuts. Our…